Professional Septic Cleaning Service

Your One Stop Shop For Cleaning, Inspecting, and Maintaining Your Septic System

Not every home has a septic system. In many cases, wastewater from your home will travel through your city’s sewer system to a treatment facility. If your home does have its own septic system, that means your wastewater is treated on site underneath your yard. Wastewater is the water discharged from your toilets and sinks, garbage disposal, dishwasher, and washing machine.

As a homeowner, you probably only think about your septic system when a problem occurs. Most systems can last for 30 years or more if properly maintained. The key to extending its lifespan and ensuring your septic system works as efficiently as possible is routine inspection, cleaning, and maintenance.

At Top Notch Sewer & Drain Cleaning, we provide the highest quality septic tank cleaning service to protect your home and property.

What is a Septic System?

A typical conventional septic system is a wastewater treatment system that consists of two main parts:

  1. A septic tank. This concrete, fiberglass, or polyethylene container is water-tight and buried. All the water from your home or business runs through a drainage pipe into this tank, which separates floatable matter, such as oil or grease, from solids.
  2. A drainfield (also known as a soil absorption system). The solids form a sludge which is kept trapped within the tank as it partially decomposes. The liquid wastewater, or effluent, is discharged from the septic tank into a shallow, covered leach field. The effluent is then gradually percolated into the soil, removing harmful bacteria, nitrogen, and other contaminants.

Why Professional Septic Cleaning Service?

Proactive maintenance is key to preventing septic system failure. Lack of maintenance, clogs, improper installation, damaged drainage pipes, or a buildup of solids (bacterial deficiency) are all ways your septic tank can overflow. When this happens, you may experience problems with:

  • Flushing toilets / toilets backing up
  • Slow drainage
  • Gurgling sounds
  • Lush, green grass around your septic tank compared to the rest of your yard
  • Flooding or standing water in your yard (Unlike rainwater, wastewater will smell)
  • Sewage smells within your home or yard
  • Sewage backing up into your drains

Our pipeline camera inspection allows us to inspect your drain pipes, leach lines, and septic pump lines for damage or clogs without digging up your lawn.

At Top Notch Sewer & Drain Cleaning, we provide the highest quality septic tank cleaning service to protect your home and property.

Introducing The Crust Buster

We use professional equipment like The Crust Buster to clean your septic tank. The Crust Buster’s blades rotate to efficiently break up and agitate the crust, liquids, and solids in your septic tank into a slurry for easier pumping.

How Often Should I Get My Septic Tank Pumped?

How often you should have your septic tank cleaned (pumped) depends upon its size, the ratio of waste to water, and the number of occupants in your home contributing waste to the tank. Pumping removes the solid waste trapped inside the tank to prevent overflow. On average, your septic tank should be pumped every 3 years.

Below is a chart showing the recommended duration in years between pumping based on tank size and the number of occupants in your household.

Tank Size (Gals)1 Person in Household2 Person in Household3 Person in Household4 Person in Household5 Person in Household
5005.8 Years2.6 Years1.5 Years1 Year.7 Years
1,00012.4 Years5.9 Years3.7 Years2.6 Years2 Years
1,50018.9 Years9.1 Years5.9 Years4.2 Years3.3 Years
2,00025.4 Years12.4 Years8.1 Years5.9 Years4.5 Years

How Do You Reach The Septic Tank?

Our pipeline camera inspection enables us to inspect the pipes leading from your home to your septic system as well as the septic tank and leach lines without needed to dig.

However, without easy surface access, we – or any company – will need to dig in order to reach the septic system’s underground access lid.

It is extremely beneficial (not to mention time saving) to have an Access Riser installed so that your lawn doesn’t need to be dug up every time you have your septic tank pumped.

Why Choose Top Notch For Septic Tank Cleaning Service?

At Top Notch Sewer & Drain Cleaning, we provide the highest quality septic tank cleaning service to protect your home and property. Whether you need emergency cleaning service due to septic tank overflow or you simply want to schedule a routine cleaning, we have the knowledge, equipment, and experience to get the job done right.

With Top Notch, you get:

  • Quick Service. We’ll efficiently and effectively break up the solids within your septic tank and remove them.
  • Clean Service. Our team of professionals will wear protective uniforms and use new equipment to ensure cleanliness on the job site.
  • Tank Inspection. Not only will we clean your septic tank, we’ll confirm it’s capacity is capable of meeting your family’s needs.
  • Drainfield Inspection. We’ll check the drainfield size and condition to identify any potential problems.
  • Inspection Report. Get the results of our inspection as well as an update on any potential problems or failures.
  • Access Riser Installation. For an additional fee, we can install an Access Riser. This sealed riser provides ground-level access to your tank so you don’t need to dig every time your tank needs to be inspected or cleaned.

Contact Top Notch Sewer & Drain Cleaning Today

At Top Notch Sewer and Drain Cleaning we offer premier plumbing service 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

Call/Text 716-536-3559 now to schedule your next drain cleaning appointment!